2022 March JBT
Standings for March JBT

Dbl B Flight Semi sorted by +/-200
Dbl B Flight Semi 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch +/-200 From Lead
1 Michael Bushyeager / Calvin Ruffner 373 422 360 439 1594 -6
2t Tyler Schoen / Reagan Clifton 378 353 364 358 1453 -147 141
2t Kelson Ramelow / Cameron Haight 380 385 344 344 1453 -147 141
2t Skyler Ackerman / Gracie Ackerman 393 379 317 364 1453 -147 141
5 Andrew Strawn / Jett Fernandez 314 341 326 405 1386 -214 208
6 Carson Wilkonson / Thomas Egger 380 331 312 315 1338 -262 256
7 Anders Weaver / Charles LeBeau 357 317 384 269 1327 -273 267
See individual results
** A note from your tournament director:
This was a doubles tournament and the stepladder finals had to be done on paper because tournamentbowl.com only recognizes singles in the stepladder. If there are any questions you can contact Brandy or Kristie.

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